Why smiling change your life
The most pleasing five letter word is SMILE They say smile, it increases your face value. There is a story of a boy who is in the class and the teacher is teaching the class. The teacher writes four numbers on the board and ask him to read those numbers and he read numbers in his own language. After listening his accent all the class fellows and teachers smile. The teacher did not understand what he is reading so she asked him to again read the numbers. Again, he read the numbers in his own language and all the class fellows smile because it seems so funny while listening those words which are coming out of the child’s mouth. The teacher again asked him to read and again he read the words in his own way, and all the class members smile. Now its fifth time when the teacher asks the boy to read and he every time read it in his own accent, but this time the class members did not smile, neither the students nor the teacher. Than at that time when no one smile, the teacher said tha...