Alzheimer’s Disease:
Alzheimer’s Disease:
Imagine a disease that after being married for about 50
years, you look at the individual face and where you truly don’t know who that
individual is. Imagine a person being your parent and you go to visit them, and
they don’t know your name and in fact they don’t even know that you are their
child. This is what happens to an individual with Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disease which affects
the memory and other important mental functions like ability of the person to
carry out daily activities. At first the person suffering from Alzheimer
disease have mild confusion in remembering things. By time passes the victim
undergo dramatic personality changes and they even forget most important people
in their lives. Alzheimer’s disease is the cause of dementia which is a brain
disorder causing loss of intellectual and social skills.
7 years ago, my grandmother was diagnosed
with this fatal disease. At that days he can’t remember what he did ten minutes
ago. He would constantly forget where he parked his car and left his keys. At
that point you don’t really think that Alzheimer’s disease is at work. But over
time he started to forget his recent memories. This is the stage one of this
disease. Than a time has come when he did not know where his own children live.
This is probably the moderate stage. Than in the stage 3 or at last stage he
did not remember anything at all. You may think that how could you possibly forget
everything. Well you can’t but when you are diagnosed with this fatal disease
and you will start losing your short term and even long-term memory when it gets
Everyone has occasional memory
losses. It is normal to lose track where you put our keys or driving license.
But the memory loss with Alzheimer’s disease persists and worsens. There are
some of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease which are as follows:
First is increasing forgetfulness or mild
Repeating statements and questions over and over
again, not realizing that they have asked this question before.
Forget conversations, events and appointments.
Eventually forgetting the names of family
members and everyday objects.
Trouble in finding the right word to identify
the various objects.
People with Alzheimer’s disease may
suffer from:
Mood swings
Changing in sleeping habits
Loss in inhibition
Delusion that something has been stolen
Social withdrawal.
Now there is a very interesting
phenomena noticed in this disease which is that most important skills are not
lost until very late in the disease. The skills include reading, singing, dancing,
enjoying old music, telling stories and reminisce.
This is because skills and habits learned early in the life are the last
abilities to be lost when this disease progresses. This
disease is not cure able and even there is no test which confirms you that you
have this disease. As there are severe mood swings in this disease so daily
walk can help improve the mood and maintain the health of joints, muscles and
heart. Exercise can also help to improve the sleeping and prevent constipation.
So, in conclusion I just want to say
that people suffering with Alzheimer’s disease need an ultimate care all the
times. As in this disease the victims start losing their eating habits so there
must someone who takes full care of such patients. Always make sure that the person
having Alzheimer’s disease must carry identification or wears a medical
bracelet when he or she is walking unaccompanied. Right now, there is no proven
way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Research in this field is ongoing. But the
strongest evidence is that you may be able to lower the risk of Alzheimer’s
disease by reducing your risk of heart disease.
In the end I just want to say that
be grateful of the health and wellness that you have. And always remember “good
health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings”.
I hope you like this content related to "Alzheimer’s Disease". These are things which you should consider because this disease can affect any person. So be aware!!!
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