What makes you a unique blogger:

What makes you a unique blogger:

Becoming a blogger is not as easy as people think. It takes a lot of struggle, time, uniqueness and a lot of spirit and patience to. So, people who are thinking of becoming a blogger must do some of the following things first. Do not just jump into it without knowing nothing. I advise all the new bloggers to first do your complete homework and then start your blog. To start a blog some of the very few steps which all the new comers must thick of.

Decide a unique niche for your blog:

Niche is basically a topic which you have to decide. Like on what topic you write and give information to different people. You need to take your time and define a unique niche for your blog. You need to ask yourself three questions like
Who is the reader of your blog?
Who is your competitor?
What is the purpose of my blog?
Based on these questions you have to decide your niche. It can be anything related to beauty, fashion, tech or anything related to daily v-logs etc.
Unique blogger, Best niche, amazing blogger, catchy and easy to remember, original enough

Choose an amazing blog name:

One of the hardest things while creating your blog is what name should be better one for the blog. It is arguably the toughest one. While deciding the name you should consider some of the things in mind:
It should be catchy.
It should be easy to remember.
It should be original enough and easily searchable.
Unique blogger, Best niche, amazing blogger, catchy and easy to remember, original enough

Picking a suitable platform:

There are a lot of questions in the beginner’s mind that what should be the platform to start blogging. For all the beginners I always advise them to start blogging through blogsopt.com. It is a free platform provided by google to all the people who want to start their first move in blogging.  Than after some time when you are doing good in blogging and growing too than you can invest on some good domain.
Unique blogger, Best niche, amazing blogger, catchy and easy to remember, original enough

Wordpress is also a very good option in terms of blogging. It provide you with a lot of freethemes and freeplugins that will help you to learn the basics.
For the designing and layout of the blog first go and check some main blogs related to your topic. After than you have some idea about the styling of blog.

Buying a blog domain:

If you go with option other than blogspot.com than you must buy a domain e.g GoDaddy.com for your blog. There are some of the sites which provide you the free domain for a year. And on a low-price domain, you can customize your URL and make you customers and potential readers to easily find you.

Having you own domain can give you more creative control over your blog design.

Be yourself and set your goals:

You should be very realistic to set your goals. You have to set up a schedule about when would you post your content or how often you post your content.
It is very important to set everything up before starting your blog so that you never go through any trouble while you are in the middle of the journey.
Unique blogger, Best niche, amazing blogger, catchy and easy to remember, original enough

I hope you like this content related to "What makes you a unique blogger". These are the key rules which most of people have followed to succeed in terms of a blogger. 

Have something to share in this post? Share it in the comments. 


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